Easy MEET Manager Version 3.0 UPGRADE for Current Owners

(Released Jan 1, 2020)

The upgrade model used by Easy Meet Manager has been that free updates and free support are offered for 4 years. After this time a fee is charged to move to the next major version of the program. In version 2 there were about 200 new releases (updates) with features added, operation made easier and more timers supported. NO NEW UPGRADE FEE will be charged before 2024.

Easy Meet Manager 2.0xx will no longer be updated as of 1/1/2020. When upgrading to Easy Meet Manager 3.0xx you will be asked for your original LICENSE CODE in order to allow the upgrade. After completing the information below and remitting payment, you will be able to accept the upgrade to version 3 when offered as you start the program while online.

Easy Meet Manager owners making their initial purchase after 6/1/19 will have the upgrade fee waived.

Please email us (dabineri@goeasyware.com) indicating your name, date of purchase (approx), State and Zip code if you purchased after 6/1/19 to request this waiver.


A TIMING CONTRACTOR version 3 upgrade fee $125.

A TEAM or SCHOOL version 3 upgrade fee $75 Details about Licenses are in the License Agreement: Easy Meet Manager user License

To upgrade your Easy Meet Manager program to version 3.0, please follow these steps. You will need your original LICENSE KEY in order to upgrade.

1. Complete the form below and SUBMIT it.
2. Submit payment of the approriate fee ($75 or $125). A link to PayPal (no PayPal account required) is below where you may pay by Credit Card, Bank Balance, PayPal Acct or simply use your preferred method of payment.
4.You will be able to upgrade to version 3 within 24 hours of payment and the submission of the form below. NO NEED TO DOWNLOAD ANYTHING. You will receive an email within 24 hours to enable a normal upgrade to Ver 3.
5. Enjoy using Easy Meet Manager with NO upgrade charges before 2024!

The following information is needed to license your copy of VERSION 3.xx.
First Name (Organization Representative).....
Last Name (Organization Representative).....
Address Line 1.....
Address Line 2.....
Postal (zip) Code.....
Confirmation will be sent to this email address.
(Emails NEVER released to anyone else)
Re-Enter Email.....

Current License KEY (8 characters if known).....
To help minimize spam, enter the LARGER of 50 and 100.........